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'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Zombie Royale Leaks Ahead Of Halloween

'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Zombie Royale Leaks Ahead Of Halloween

Bite the bullet.

Imogen Donovan

Imogen Donovan

A new Call of Duty: Warzone leak has revealed that a possible upcoming Zombies mode may be on its way to the popular battle royale.

Treyarch's Call of Duty: World at War was the first entry to introduce the Zombies mode, where players would mow down waves and waves of Nazi zombies until they and their team were overwhelmed. The undead became much more powerful with each round, so players had to get tactical with their progression and defence of the map. Of course, Zombies was met with an incredible reception, and the mode has become a staple of the series, with its own alternate timeline running alongside Call of Duty canon.

Call of Duty: World at War /

With Treyarch calling the shots for Black Ops Cold War, it wouldn't surprise us to see the resurrection of Zombies in Warzone ahead of the launch of the next game in November. These leaks claim that the traditional, round-based gameplay of World at War will return, as well as a Zombie Royale. No, that's not a sneak peek at Burger King's Halloween menu.

This would apparently drop players into a game where zombies stalk the lands. If they die, they won't be dragged off to the Gulag. They'll instead respawn as a zombie to hunt down the enemy players who are still alive. However, the Zombies Royale mode might offer a few very interesting mechanics, if these datamined Black Ops Cold War voice lines are anything to go on.

Call of Duty: Warzone /
Raven Software

Discovered by Reddit user xShadowZ199, there are more than 30 voice lines, and a handful of these seem to describe a story-based part of the mode. It appears that the zombies are immune to the gas that encroaches on the field, and it might even make them more powerful. Spookily, players who have succumbed to the zombies might be able to come back as a human player by... "consuming enough remains". Ew. Alternatively, players may be able to bring teammates back through Buy Stations to "raise the dead".

Ultimately, it seems that players will be surviving the hordes of the undead, but also focusing on a secondary objective. "Defend the chopper, the chopper is down, find your way out," and "extraction failed," suggest that there will be a way out, if everyone works together. We also see named soldiers in a number of the voice lines, for example: "Charlie Alpha One Two here. Hurtz he... he was dead. We were sure he was dead. But he got up. He killed Santos and Kerney before we could take him down. Headshots seem to be the one sure way." There may be some sort of structured story in this Zombies mode, where players may receive intelligence on the battle over the radio.

Call of Duty: Warzone /
Raven Software

Before we get too excited, this leak has not been confirmed by Raven Software nor Activision. But, blimey, doesn't a PvP Zombies mode on a ginormous map with new guns and new abilities sound good? The spooky season is upon us (almost upon us, I'm getting too excited already), and it would be the perfect opportunity to reintroduce Zombies to the masses.

Featured Image Credit: Raven Software

Topics: Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Treyarch, Call of Duty, Activision