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'Batman: Gotham Knights' Teaser Offers First Look At Gotham City

'Batman: Gotham Knights' Teaser Offers First Look At Gotham City

Looking good.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

Batman: Arkham Origins Warner Bros. Montreal has really started to ramp up the teasers for Batman: Gotham Knights. The long-rumoured title is finally being dragged into the light at the DC Fandome event on August 22nd, but the developer is already laying down a few intriguing crumbs for internet sleuths to follow.

The majority of these cryptic teaser videos have come from a page called R3DAKT3D, which has dropping videos containing secret codes and hidden messages. Tucked away in one of these videos was absolute confirmation that the shadowy criminal empire known as The Court Of Owls will feature in the game. The ancient order's emblem flashed up on screen during a teaser earlier this week, leaving little doubt that the rumours were true.

Another tease confirmed that we'll be getting a teaser trailer of some sort on August 21st, the day before the full reveal. But what's really interesting is that R3DAKT3D has been leading people to a website that contains even more secrets. Entering the code 761 on this site and following a few extra steps unveils what seems to be our first look at the game's map. See for yourself below.

As fans have been quick to point out, the map below looks remarkably similar to the one seen in Batman: Arkham Knight, and Arkham Origins in which the various islands that make up Gotham City were connected by bridges. Whether this is a coincidence or a hint that the two games are connected remains to be seen, but it looks like something is going on.

Even more curious is the waypoint in the center of the image which is clearly suggesting something important is at this location. Has WB Montreal hidden something in one of the older Batman games for us to find? If so, it doesn't look as if anyone has found it yet.

Given that the existence of WB. Montreal's Batman game has been one of the worst kept secrets in gaming, I didn't think these teasers would get me that excited... but here we are. I'm absolutely dying to find out how all of this fits together, how The Court Of Owls are involved, and when we'll get our first look at Batman himself back in action.

For now, I'm going to rummage around Arkham Origins and Arkham Knight to see if I can't find any more clues.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros.

Topics: Gotham Knights, Warner Bros