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PlayStation Wrap Up Shows You Just How Much You Gamed In 2020

PlayStation Wrap Up Shows You Just How Much You Gamed In 2020

Spotify Wrapped - but make it PlayStation

Imogen Mellor

Imogen Mellor

Hey, hey you, yeah you - remember 2020? No me neither never heard of it - all I remember is a several month period of sitting at home and playing video games, and it seems that Sony knows that. The gaming giant has now organised a way for you to see your gaming round-up for the year 2020 - think Spotify wrapped but for all the hours you spent swinging around Manhattan or being a Viking.

If you go over to the PlayStation Blog right now you can use the site to collate the hours you've spent on PlayStation in 2020 - just for the fun of it. Just a quick note that the service isn't available everywhere, you must be 18+ to use the features, and have more than ten hours on PlayStation 4 in 2020 for the collation to work. And if you're under 10 hours, congrats on being the best functioning nerd out of us all I guess.

If you're just playing on a PlayStation 5, however, this year you'll also need hours on PlayStation 4 to see any of your stats from 2020, but we expect in 2021 when more people have had a chance to get their hands on the rare console that Sony will collate both separately.

The wrap up doesn't just tell you how many hours you spent in Apex Legends or Warzone but it also gives you some notes on how many trophies you earned in the year. And you can also get a little free dynamic theme for your home background on the PlayStation 4 which is very reminiscent of the PlayStation 5's colour. You get the dynamic theme from opting into marketing emails from Sony, by the way.

Anyway, the project is just pretty neat - knowing how much we played in 2020 isn't going to make us feel any better about how terrible a year it was - however, it's probably a good time to remember how good games can be for your mental health and happiness as a device to connect with mates and get lost in new worlds.

Featured Image Credit: Sony / Sucker Punch Productions

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