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'Red Dead Redemption 2' Players Can Finally Get A Dog Companion

'Red Dead Redemption 2' Players Can Finally Get A Dog Companion

This really is the one thing this game has been missing.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absolutely stunning video game filled with intricate details and a wealth of things to do and see. It's the ultimate Wild West simulator, allowing you to hunt, rob, and fight your way through a massive world that feels truly alive.

But there's always been something missing from Rockstar's Western epic. Sure, it boasts an impressive world and fascinating characters, but you can't go an adventures with a canine companion. That, to me, is just unforgivable.

Take a look at some of the best Red Dead Redemption 2 wins and fails below!

There are dogs in Red Dead Redemption 2, as I'm sure you know. You can even pet and play with them to an extent - or shoot them if you're a heartless monster who deserves to burn in the fieriest depths of Hell. What you can't do is adopt one and take it with you, and that's a damn crime. Fortunately, there's a new mod on the scene that fixes this glaring oversight from Rockstar.

The Dog Companion mod is available right now via NexusMods, and it does exactly what you'd want it to. You can choose your own faithful hound and explore the world with them. All you need to do after having installed the mod is walk up to a doggo you like the look of and make use of the new "bonding" option. Once you've done that, they'll follow you around wherever you go. Sure you might have just pinched a dog from some poor farmer, but you're an outlaw - you take what you want and live free.

A couple of cool key features: You can tell your dog to sit and wait, or whistle for them to call them back within a certain range. If they get lost, you can retrieve them by heading to your horse and following the prompts there in the same way you'd claim back a lost hat. Your dog can also help out in combat, and will even assist in tracking and hunting wildlife. In other words, this is way more than a simple cosmetic mod that sticks a pooch by your side.

Truly, this is one of the only things Red Dead Redemption 2 was missing. Chalk this up as another huge win for PC gamers and the miracle of mods.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, GAMING, Rockstar Games, News