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'Sonic The Hedgehog' Movie Trailer Drops, Showing Off The Redesign In All Its Glory

'Sonic The Hedgehog' Movie Trailer Drops, Showing Off The Redesign In All Its Glory

Now that's more like it.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

The second trailer for the live-action Sonic The Hedgehog movie has officially dropped. This one, I think we can all agree, is far more special than the first trailer that was released back in Spring. Why? Because the titular hedgehog finally looks like the video game icon we all know and love, rather than a nightmarish monster with human teeth and taut blue skin.

But enough negativity. We've covered the disastrous first trailer and the reaction to Sonic's original design to death. SEGA and Paramount went back to the drawing board, and as promised, they've managed to come up with a greatly improved design. This means that instead of fighting the urge to scream, we can simply sit back and enjoy the trailer for what looks like a genuinely fun - if a little corny - movie.

Check it out for yourself below, dear reader. As you can see, the anticipated redesign is very much in line with the one that started to leak in recent weeks.

In Sonic The Hedgehog, everybody's favourite blue hedgehog (voiced by Ben Schwartz) teams up with Green Hills Sheriff Tom Wachowski (James Marsden) to try and save the world from various unexplained anomalies.

In the midst of all this wackiness, Jim Carrey's deliciously OTT Dr "Eggman" Robotnik is called in by the military to assist, and soon develops an unhealthy obsession with catching the wise-cracking Sonic. As we likely all would, to be fair.

Look, I don't believe for a second that Sonic The Hedgehog is going to change the world when it comes out on February 14. I imagine there'll be a lot of critics who are incredibly sniffy about the whole thing. But I don't care.

As a longtime fan of the blue blur, this latest trailer finally allows me to just be excited for his first live-action flick. I can finally look past that original, awful, design, and let myself be carried away on a wave of childish glee.

Sonic Movie  /
Paramount Pictures

Yeah it'll be super cheesy, and yeah it'll be far from a perfect film... but Sonic finally looks great, and Jim Carrey looks like he's turned in a vintage Carrey performance. This is the kind of film I would have been obsessed with when I was ten, and I'll undoubtedly be first in line to see it next year.

Now, let's just hope Tails doesn't show up looking like the Crack Fox from The Mighty Boosh to bring the whole redesign controversy back to square one.

Featured Image Credit: Paramount Pictures

Topics: Sega, Sonic The Hedgehog