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'Death Stranding' Players Can't Stop Peeing Outside Conan O'Brien's House

'Death Stranding' Players Can't Stop Peeing Outside Conan O'Brien's House

Urine for a treat.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

As most of us probably know by now, Conan O'Brien is one of the many, many celebrities with a cameo in Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding. The popular talk show host shows up in the PS4 adventure in the same way most of the famous faces do: as an NPC quest giver.

However, O'Brien is different from the rest of the celebrity cameos in Death Stranding for two reasons. The first is that he's a cosplayer who gives you an otter hat. Sure. Whatever. Not that odd compared to most of the crap we see in the game. The second, stranger reason, is that players around the world seem to have developed a predilection for peeing outside of his in-game house.

I don't fully understand why, but as Kotaku points out, players have been making a point to stop by the abode of this digital Conan to spray the walls with blasts of digital piddle. This is evidenced by the large patches of mushrooms that surrounds Conan's home. Don't forget that Death Stranding takes place in a kind of shared world, after all. And of course, weeing to create mushrooms is one of the many bizarre features in Death Stranding.

Death Stranding
Death Stranding

Why, then? Why are people so keen on spraying instead of saying when it comes to Conan? Why haven't the houses of other famous faces in Death Stranding been drenched in golden bladder juice? Apparently there are similar mushroom patches outside the in-game home of Geoff Keighley, but they're nothing like as pronounced as Conan's fungal wilderness.

Incredibly, this isn't even a recent development. People have been swinging by Conan's place to relieve themselves since the game launched in November, according to this Reddit post.

Do people not like Conan? Is this some kind of digital dirty protest? As a UK resident I'm honestly not hugely familiar with his work, but I can't imagine his show is so awful that he warrants this kind of strange treatment... Unless this is some kind of odd, twisted tribute to the man?


Or maybe it's just a territorial thing? Maybe fellow Death Stranding players are simply attempting to mark their territory by peeing on it, and Conan's house just happens to be a prime spot of real estate. All I have are questions, and literally no answers.

If you or anyone you know has had a cheeky piddle on Conan's Death Stranding house, please do get in touch on Facebook or Twitter to tell me why. Please, someone tell me why.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: Death Stranding, PlayStation, PS4