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'Cyberpunk 2077' Map Isn't As Big As 'The Witcher 3', But It's Still Pretty Massive

'Cyberpunk 2077' Map Isn't As Big As 'The Witcher 3', But It's Still Pretty Massive

Size doesn't always matter.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

There's just over a week to go until Cyberpunk 2077 finally launches for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, and fans everywhere are already planning what to do first when they get to Night City.

Perhaps you'll dive straight into the main story and do everything you can to meet Keanu Reeves as early as possible? Maybe you'll screw around with some of the game's many sidequests? Or potentially your interested could be piqued by the many collectible dildos that are scattered around the open world? Whatever you do, it sounds like player choice will be at the heart of everything in Cyberpunk 2077, definitely more so than CD Projekt RED's last game; The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Cyberpunk 2077 /
CD Projekt Red

Anyone who's played the epic fantasy RPG will know that players certainly got to make a lot of crucial choices for Geralt along the way... but the real freedom to be anyone in The Witcher 3 was always denied us. We were, after all, Geralt of Rivia. We could make certain choices within those parameters, but ultimately we had to do everything Geralt would do. Cyberpunk 2077 opens things up considerably and, from the sounds of it, gives us much more freedom.

But while Cyberpunk 2077 will evidently be richer and deeper than The Witcher 3 - at least in terms of player choice - it sounds as if the open world itself is quite a bit smaller than the wilds and ruins of Geralt's realm. If we stitch together Velen, Novigrad, and Skellige, the overall size of The Witcher 3 comes in at around 136 square kilometers in size.

While we don't have exact details on the size of the Cyberpunk 2077 map just yet, some estimates have put Night City and its surrounding areas at around 75 square kilometers. That's almost half the size of The Witcher 3's world, yes, but it's still pretty damn impressive. We also have to remember a few caveats here before we start howling about how the Cyberpunk 2077 is "too damn small" or whatever.

Cyberpunk 2077 /
CD Projekt RED

The first point I would make is that 75 square kilometers for a video game map is not small. Not by any definition. That is, in fact, massive. We also know based on trailers and gameplay that Nighty City is an incredibly dense location with a huge variety of districts to explore, to say nothing of the Badlands that surround the metropolis.

Finally, we have to remember that a huge chunk of Skellige's impressive 64 square kilometers is taken up by an ocean that was actually kind of a pain in the arse to sail around. By all accounts, Night City should be a much leaner location that's easier to get around and far more densely packed with things to do, And if you're still unsure? Just remember that one developer has put 175 hours into the game so far and hasn't even finished it yet. Cyberpunk 2077 will more than do the job, I think.

Featured Image Credit: CD Projekt RED

Topics: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, GAMING, News, Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red