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'Dante's Inferno' Fans Call On EA To Remake 2010 Cult Classic

'Dante's Inferno' Fans Call On EA To Remake 2010 Cult Classic

Burn, baby, burn.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

Fans of Dante's Inferno are calling for a remake. To be clear, they're not talking about the first part of Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy, but the 2010 action game based on said poem. Yes, that is a real thing that exists - and it's good.

Published by EA and developed by Visceral Games (the studio behind Dead Space), Dante's Inferno is a very loose adaptation of Alighieri's masterpiece that imagines the lead character Dante as a Templar knight from the Crusades who must fight through the nine circles of Hell to rescue his love from Lucifer himself. It's pretty intense stuff.

Take a look at an original trailer for the game below, just to get a feel for it. 2010 was a strange time.

Over on Reddit a number of fans are tossing around the idea to start a petition to get Dante's Inferno remade for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series consoles. Granted, fan petitions very rarely achieve anything unless you happen to be going to bat for Zack Snyder, but it's nice to see people remembering the 2010 cult classic if nothing else.

Dante's Inferno received fairly mixed reviews at the time, with some going so far as to blast it as a God Of War clone. Still, the people who connected with it really connected with it. Was it perfect? Lord no, but I could never fault its ambition, nor its grossly inventive boss battles.

A few critics have pointed out that Dante's Inferno likely wouldn't be the same with Visceral at the helm. EA infamously closed the studio in 2017. With that said, there are rumours that EA has made the super awesome and not at all widely criticised decision to bring back Dead Space years after having fired everyone that helped to make it, so who knows? We could yet see Satan's dong in glorious 4K.

Featured Image Credit: EA

Topics: GAMING, News, EA