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Red Dead Redemption 'perfect' TV series is a hit with fans

Red Dead Redemption 'perfect' TV series is a hit with fans

This Red Dead Redemption TV series on YouTube is near perfect and a hit with fans.

This Red Dead Redemption TV series on YouTube is near perfect and a major hit with fans.

Red Dead Redemption and its prequel, Red Dead Redemption 2, from Rockstar Games are considered to be amongst the best games of all-time. Whether you play as John Marston or Arthur Morgan, both Red Dead Redemption games allow wild west fans to live out their western fantasies. Though, let’s not forget about 2004's Red Dead Revolver for PS2 and OG Xbox too, which kickstarted the ever-popular franchise. Sadly, despite the success and continued popularity of Red Dead Redemption 2, it seems that Rockstar Games isn't keen on developing a new entry anytime soon and with rumours of cancelled remasters, fans of the series have every reason to feel deflated.

Take a look at some of our favourite RDR2 wins and fails below.

What’s more, fans including Hollywood comedian and musician Jack Black have led calls for a Red Dead Redemption movie. Unfortunately, a movie based on Rockstar’s wild west series doesn't look all that likely either. However, a dedicated fan has taken matters into their own hands by creating a Red Dead Redemption TV series of their own. The fantastic fan-made episodes have been brought to us by the YouTube channel The Red Dead Redemption Show. The channel currently has over 4,500 subscribers, but hopefully, that number will increase in the coming months.

At the time of writing, the channel consists of eight episodes over two seasons, each season featuring four episodes. That being said, considering that Red Dead Redemption 2 can take hundreds of hours to finish (if not more), we’re sure there are plenty more episodes to come from this amazing channel, and that's not even taking into account stories that can be told from Red Dead Online.

Unlike GTA V, Red Dead Redemption 2 doesn't feature a Rockstar Editor, so the creator of this series has made fantastic use of switching between in-game cameras. Can you imagine what wonders they would create if there was a Rockstar Editor? In related news, some players have discovered an alternate ending for a legendary chapter in RDR2 involving Arthur Morgan and Lenny Summers.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, TV And Film