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Red Dead Redemption 2 hidden room and treasure found after five years

Red Dead Redemption 2 hidden room and treasure found after five years

One Red Dead Redemption 2 player has discovered a way to access a closed-off room which you probably missed.

Have you ever revisited one of your favourite games after a while, only to discover something totally new that you never noticed all of the of the other times you played it? If Red Dead Redemption 2 is anywhere in your top 10, I’d guess that your answer is ‘yes’.

We’ve said it time and time again, but Red Dead Redemption 2 might just have the most detailed open world of all time. It’s been almost half a decade since its release, but it continues to offer plenty of new stuff for players who look hard enough (or those lucky enough to simply stumble across things, anyway). To say that it’s a single-player game that’s never been given a DLC expansion, it’s amazing that not only are so many people still playing it after all these years, but that the experience continues to feel fresh to them.

Take a look at some of the funniest Red Dead Redemption 2 wins and fails right here.

Over on Reddit, user RDR2germany has now discovered some loot hidden away on the Aberdeen Pig Farm, which you might have missed depending on how you tackled the encounter with the Aberdeen family.

“There is a hidden room on the Aberdeen Pig Farm where you can loot a box. If you shoot the frame in the middle of the window shown, you get inside. There is $71.71 in the laundry room box,” RDR2germany wrote.

While at some points during the game it is possible to simply go through the door and loot the room, other users in the thread have determined that if you don’t check this particular place immediately after confronting the family, the door is locked. Therefore, shooting the window is the only way to grab the money inside if you missed it. The more you know.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games