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The Elder Scrolls 6 rival in development by Bethesda veterans looks incredible

The Elder Scrolls 6 rival in development by Bethesda veterans looks incredible

There can be only one...!

Bethesda may wish to start taking its development of The Elder Scrolls VI more seriously, as it seems they have stiff competition.

The fate of The Elder Scrolls VI is complicated.

Although we’ve known it’s been in the works since 2018, seeing how far along the project is has been sparse.

In light of recent Xbox release date leaks, fans have become worried about the game yet again; theirs is a long and agonising torture.

Thankfully, not all hope is lost. Nor does it come from Bethesda's future release.

Doesn't The Wayward Realms look amazing already?

Bethesda veterans have decided to go it alone and create a stunning open world RPG. The Wayward Realms is “filled to the brim with adventure”.

As per its Kickstarter page, "Discover populations of warring factions, dangerous creatures, and an expansive cast of characters that come to life the more you interact with them.”

If that doesn’t whet your appetite enough, how about the fact that this RPG is considered the “spiritual successor” to The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall? We thought that’d get your attention.

“I love how you managed to keep the style of Daggerfall but modern,” posted @folgado7424 on YouTube.

The Elder Scrolls VI is still years away yet, leaving fans with little else to do but replay Skyrim and/or twiddle their thumbs.

Perhaps The Wayward Realms will fill the gap we’re forced to stare at everyday...?

The devs are working on an early access version of the game currently. Furthermore, the pre-Alpha gameplay footage shows much promise, although it still needs a lot of fine tuning before it’s ready.

Still, far more janky games have launched with such issues – this one is still only actively being worked on.

Beyond its framerate woes, The Wayward Realms looks breathtaking.

Its world looks as rich and immersive as anything seen in The Elder Scrolls, and thus Bethesda has a rival on its hands indeed.

The gauntlet has been thrown down, and the race to be the RPG everyone is talking about is on.

Featured Image Credit: OnceLost Games

Topics: Bethesda, The Elder Scrolls, The Elder Scrolls 6, PC