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Red Dead Redemption 2: Arthur's Redemption hailed as 'fascinating' new chapter

Red Dead Redemption 2: Arthur's Redemption hailed as 'fascinating' new chapter

Red Dead Redemption 2 has a new chapter you can play right now

An expansion mod for Red Dead Redemption 2 is being hailed as an incredible new addition to the game, and it’s free to download right now.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is already an enormous game, though it can be made even bigger with the odd expansion mod.

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Now most expansions simply open up another portion of the map, like making Mexico fully-explorable, or letting players revisit Guarma after that chapter has passed in the game.

However, the one we’re talking about today is a little more mission-focused, and fixes one of the game’s most notorious problems, killing Arthur…

I’m half-heartedly joking there, as Arthur’s demise plays a big part in the story of the series, and it treated gamers to one of the most emotional endings to a story in all of gaming, but it still stung to not be able to play as him afterwards.

The mod Arthur’s Redemption fixes this, sparing Arthur from his fate and letting the player continue playing as him after Chapter 6.

It’s free to download on NexusMods, and fan’s couldn’t help but share their admiration for the project on the mod’s forum page.

One described it as “fascinating work,” going on to say that they “love it so much”, thanking the creator for giving them Arthur back.

Another followed suit by praising the “amazing immersion”, adding that they’ve “finished the story mode numerous times and this time it feels almost like a new chapter.”

So if you’re playing on PC, then definitely consider checking out the full thing, since as much as we love John Marston, Red Dead Redemption 2 just didn’t feel the same after Arthur left the story.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Mods, PC