The first GTA VI trailer is with us and although we have to wait until 2025 before we can play it, we can spend some time scouring the trailer and dreaming of what may appear in the final game.
The GTAVI trailer is finally here and I've watched it about 50 times
There are plenty of big standout moments from the trailer, but with YouTube nudged down to 0.25 playing speed and a swift pause press, we can go further and search out for more tiny details and easter eggs included in the record-breaking trailer.
Ankle Monitor

The end screen of the trailer shows an image of Lucia and Jason leaning against a car. Jason is holding a pistol while Lucia drapes an arm around him. What's most interesting here is the ankle monitor on Lucia which hints to restricted movement within the game, perhaps in the opening missions until she gets it removed.

We see a plane pulling an advert through the air above skyscrapers. The advert says "NINE1NINE: Why Sixty Nine When You Can NINE 1 NINE". This is quite likely a place, perhaps a strip club, or an event. Some fans think it could have been a cellular network, but the purple box contains 'Vice City' meaning it's only in this city.
Sol Sisters

While this might just be a play on the words 'Soul Sisters', it could be a beachfront company that plays some part in the business landscape of Vice City. Businesses are due to be a focus of the game with many that can be robbed, or purchased, much like the night clubs in GTAV.

There are a few moments in the trailer where we're touring Vice City and we can see highway 404 and Highway 97 signage. These point to several counties or districts of Leonida - Stockyard, Downtown, Vice Beaches, Port VC/Keys, Kelly County - but also point to the Vice City International Airport.

The Ch33tah brand of cars can be seen on the strip of Vice City. This model of car has been in all of the 3D GTA games across the years. This has us wondering which other vehicle brands we'll see pop up in the final game. Vehicular fun has become a staple of GTAV Online, just think of all those TikToks of podcasts that play in the top half while the bottom half is GTAV stunts.

In the same shot of the Vice City strip we can see Hotel Dixon in the background. This could be a loose link to Lawrence Murray Dixon who was an architect in Miami and is responsible for designing many of the art deco buildings of the area, including hotels. Rockstar Games have a habit of including cute details relating to the source inspirations.

In the social media footage of the city staff pulling an alligator from a swimming pool we can see the post comes from 'OfficialPOACH'. This company is an in-game company who work in the 'Protection of Animals and Controlled Hunting'. This would make for a great line of side-missions where you have to rescue animals from the hazards of humans.

Much of the trailer shows chaos and carnage, things that have become synonymous with Florida. We're all so used to seeing the term 'FloridaMan' on social media that even Floridians see the funny side of things. Usually this reference accompanies footage of a man, in Florida, doing something dangerous, dumb or both. It's great to see this humour in the GTAVI trailer and hopefully this social media platform allows us to share our gameplay with the world.
Car Customisation

Being able to customise your vehicles has been a big part of GTA and other crime-based action games, for a long time. It's likely we'll be able to fully mod our cars, bikes, boats, planes and who knows what else. The decals on this truck give us an idea of a company that will offer this service - Vice Vinyl, along with Rideout Customs.
America's Favourite

Satire is something that comes up in GTA constantly. This is seen on this billboard for a mental health medication. Called Angstipan, apparently 'IT CURES EMOTIONS' perhaps by deadening them like Prozac, which this is obviously apeing. Just remember to "call your doctor if your erection lasts longer than 4 hours".
To the port

Excuse the hideous blurring, but towards the end of the trailer we get confirmation that GTAVI does feature Port Gellhorn, which has been a rumoured smaller map joined to Vice City via a causeway. While this is only a fleeting glance, it's another area we'll be able to explore, and one that is still pretty densely populated if the leaks are to be believed.
No Underwear Money

Not an easter egg (unless that is Tom Delonge from Blink-182) but a nice nod to the kind of silly humour we expect from a GTA game; there are two small signs here that are rather funny. One notes that this store "will no longer accept cash stored in underwear", plus another telling people not to drink while shopping.
Topics: Grand Theft Auto, GTA 6, GTA 5, GTA Online, Rockstar Games