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Red Dead Redemption 2 players discover they've been hunting wrong for years

Red Dead Redemption 2 players discover they've been hunting wrong for years

Well, that was easier than we thought

When you are not robbing banks and holding up trains in Red Dead Redemption 2, you can take in the impressive sights, go fishing or even do some hunting - something that we may have been doing wrong for quite a few years.

Although it has been 6 years since Red Dead Redemption 2 was first released, players have recently discovered that there are a few basic features that we have been attempting the wrong way.

Check out the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer below!

As well as an easier way to catch those legendary fish, there is also an easier way to hunt, especially if you’re not up for killing those beautiful animals.

Being an open-world RPG, there is quite a lot to do in Red Dead Redemption 2 and that includes the hunting log. Up until now, many players believed that hunting down and killing these animals would complete the in-game journal.

However, for those who want to take the more pacifist approach, you can simply track down the animals and observe them instead of killing them which, in turn, will check them off your in-game journal.

Of course, if you need their pelts for crafting, then you are going to have to leave your morals behind but observing them is still a quick and easy way to check off those objectives.

In related news, if you somehow missed out on Red Dead Redemption 2 back in 2018, you are in luck as the Rockstar title recently made its way to the PlayStation Plus service. However, don’t hang around as it is available for the month of May.

With Red Dead Redemption 3 looking to be quite a while away, this will be the perfect time to experience the award-winning title at no extra cost. What more could you ask for?

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games