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Red Dead Redemption 2 players discover wild new feature after 5 years

Red Dead Redemption 2 players discover wild new feature after 5 years

Yet another handy discovery has been made in Red Dead Redemption 2.

You thought that Red Dead Redemption 2 had been exhausted of all possible secrets and discoveries? Don’t be silly.

Truthfully, we’ll never know when we’ve unearthed all there is to know about this exquisitely detailed map.

That being said, locating such discoveries is a collective effort. No one player can fully know all there is to know about this iconic Rockstar Games open world.

For example, what you might’ve stumbled across in your very first playthrough might be something that another player doesn’t spot until the fifth or sixth time around.

That’s the case of today’s handy little feature. Reddit user Wordly-Donut-5956 recently discovered that you can steal caught fish by simply approaching them, although I’ll warn you that for some reason, it lowers your honour.

You can also steal larger animals / game at Hunter camps. It’s not exactly something the game advertises but if you try interacting with various objects, you’ll be surprised at just how much you can do.

“Never in my whole time of playing Red Dead did I ever know this was an actual feature,” Worldly-Donut-5956 wrote.

Take a look at some of our favourite Red Dead Redemption 2 wins and fails below.

“That’s crazy, I never even thought to try it,” added a similarly amazed InDavyJonesLocker.

“Couldn’t have stumbled upon this at a more perfect time. Thanks for sharing,” said firebert85.

“If there is an enemy inside the tent, you can throw a knife or tomahawk through the tent and there will be a rip in the tent. Works on people on the other side of the tent. It will fly through both sides and hit them while leaving two holes through the cloth,” wrote substantial-tone-576, highlighting another interesting feature.

“Have you tackled a guy in water and drowned them, or while holding a knife, they'll try and stop you from stabbing them. Couple of the most brutal ways to kill,” commented SkullsNelbowEye. A bit grisly but hey, it’s another interesting tidbit.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games