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Red Dead Redemption 2 fans are in agreement about the game's most annoying feature

Red Dead Redemption 2 fans are in agreement about the game's most annoying feature

Red Dead Redemption 2 players recently discussed which feature in the game is the most annoying, and have decided it’s the horses.

Red Dead Redemption 2 players recently discussed which feature in the game is the most annoying, and have decided it’s the horses.

The open-world for Red Dead Redemption 2 is huge, even by today’s standards, and is still believed to be one of the best world’s in gaming amongst fans. However, unlike Grand Theft Auto, you can’t traverse it with cars, bikes, helicopters and jets, only horses. With that in mind, you’d think calling and riding your various steeds would be fine-tuned to near perfection right? Well fans would disagree, as they recently agreed summoning them is annoyingly slow and tedious.

Take a look at our favourite Red Dead Redemption 2 wins and fails.

This revelation was discovered in a Reddit post by Gottatogofast who asked the Red Dead Redemption community what annoyed them most about RDR1 or 2. The top comment with over 1,000 upvotes said, “In RDR1, if you call a horse while running, it will ride up next to you and you can jump on; in RDR2 if you do the same, the horse will trail behind you until you run backwards to it.” Admittedly it doesn’t sound so bad, but when you’re having to run back to wherever your horse stopped over and over and over again, it can get pretty tedious and irritating, especially if you’re in a hurry.

Hundreds of other players agreed too, voicing their agreement and sharing their disdain with the feature. “Oh my god, finally someone else who feels my pain, this happens way too frequently when I got the law on me,” one fan wrote, while another added, "You think for all the tricks you can teach your horse via bonding, one of those levels would allow for that.”

“I can't understand why they didn't keep that. It's such a useful way of getting on your way,” one comment read. The horses weren’t the only problem people had with Red Dead Redemption 2 though, as there were some great honourable mentions that could definitely see improvement in Red Dead Redemption 3. “RDR2's 'realistic' character movements. It's so slow, and I'm always tripping over something,” a player complained. “RDR2 - when someone wins a hand at Poker and does that little smug look/neck turn thing," one pointed out, plus another player added, "Walking up a steep hill in RDR2. Rockstar games characters slide at every chance they get.”

Despite being one of the most critically-acclaimed games of all time, it’s clear dedicated fans still have their grievances with the title. Hopefully, Rockstar Games takes some of the criticism on board when they get round to a third game, though at the moment, they’re hard at work on the highly-anticipated Grand Theft Auto VI.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games, Xbox, PlayStation, PC