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Starfield's latest story teaser has fans extremely concerned for Earth

Starfield's latest story teaser has fans extremely concerned for Earth

Starfield's latest story teaser has fans extremely concerned for the state of planet Earth.

Uh oh. Future players of Starfield are concerned about the status of Earth following a new story teaser released by Bethesda.

The end of the wait is in sight. In just over three weeks, Bethesda’s space epic Starfield will finally be released out into the world on 6 September. It’s going to keep us busy with its 1,000 planets and “astonishing” number of side quests. Thankfully, the main campaign is set to be a reasonable length, clocking in at around 30-40 hours according to Todd Howard so while Starfield is a certified chungus, that’s more likely to apply to those of you attempting a completionist style playthrough. We haven’t heard that the game’s ‘gone gold’ yet, but one dev did assure fans not to worry. Bethesda have dropped a new story teaser though that’s left fans feeling a tad concerned for a very different reason.

Take a look at Starfield in action below.

This week, Bethesda updated the official Starfield website with a ‘The Story So Far’ section. It recounts the key events in the Starfield timeline from 2050 to 2328. If you want to know the whole timeline, hop on over to the Starfield site but I can talk you through the main highlights. In 2050, humans first arrived on Mars, with humans living in space from 2100 onwards.

The United Colonies is established in 2159, with New Atlantis then founded in 2160. Akilia City is established in 2167, with The Freestar Collective formed in 2188. The Narion War begins in 2196 after a disagreement between the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective over the positioning of the Clinic Station in the Narion star system.

A treaty is signed in 2216. Constellation is then formed in 2275. In 2307, Freestar set up a new colony breaking the Treaty of Narion and The Colony Wars begin. That ends in 2311. In 2328, Constellation begin investing a station known as ‘The Eye’ - and that pretty much brings us up to the present day.

You may have noticed though, Earth is not mentioned at all. Clearly, humans left Earth but we don’t know why. Did it become uninhabitable? Did humans simply want to conquer space? Can they return to Earth? The working theory is that the status of Earth may be a major spoiler, hence its avoidance in the timeline. With the game’s release three weeks away, we’ll find out what’s going on soon enough.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda

Topics: Starfield, Bethesda, Xbox, PC