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New PlayStation console dropping this year, if you wanna get saving

New PlayStation console dropping this year, if you wanna get saving

The PlayStation 5 is reportedly getting a hardware refresh later this year.

The PlayStation 5 is reportedly getting a hardware refresh later this year, so if you’re yet to grab one of Sony’s new-gen consoles, you might as well hang on for the time being.

According to the recent share meeting for Sony, the PlayStation 5 is entering the latter stage of its life which will undoubtedly be disappointing news for the majority of its users. To add insult to injury it was said there’ll be no new games for major PlayStation franchises next year. Now it seems the next iteration of the PlayStation 5 will launch later this year, good news for anyone yet to buy one.

The PS5 has had a new iteration before, the PS5 Slim which you can see below

Following the earnings call, CEO of Tokyo games consultancy Kantan Games gave a statement to CNBC saying “There seems to be a broad consensus in the gaming industry that Sony is indeed preparing the launch of a PS5 Pro in the second half of 2024 … And Sony will want to make sure to have a great piece of hardware ready when GTA VI hits in 2025, a launch that will be a shot in the arm for the entire gaming industry.”

While the PS5 Slim didn’t really change much about the console’s inner workings, a PS5 Pro would present a significant boost in power. If these rumours are true it could explain why there won’t be many PlayStation games next year, as developers will likely be creating games with this more advanced system in mind.

On the bright side games that were previously exclusive to Xbox will soon be making their way over to PlayStation, hopefully bolstering its game library even further.

Of course all of this must be taken with a pinch of salt, as nothing has been confirmed by Sony at the time of writing. If another console is to be released later this year, it’s likely we’ll see an announcement somewhere around July/August for an Autumn release.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Sony

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