Believe me, as much as it annoys you to see yet another GTA VI rumour, it annoys us just as much having to relay them to you. Especially when we’ve got to break bad news – is there any kind when it comes to GTA VI?
Cast your mind back to when the GTA VI age rating surprised everyone by coming in at only 15+, well, it turns out that was fake. The Australian Age Rating Board has addressed the topic by responding to an enquiry from PCGamesN regarding the news, “The classification record for Grand Theft Auto 6 that previously appeared on the National Classification Database was unfortunately erroneous. This has now been removed from the Classification website.”
Cleanse away the sadness with this GTA Pokemon mod!
Hear that? That’s the sound of hopes being shot down and dashed far more swiftly than they were lifted up. Seeing as we’re already wounded, the spokesperson for the classification board added, “We appreciate that this is a highly anticipated release and there is strong interest in the gaming community but we have no further information available, such as the release date.”
Although this is a disheartening blow, and so soon after fans took up arms against Rockstar Games after its latest lacklustre announcement, there are quite a few gamers who aren’t surprised. “Of course not, the real rating is obviously 12+, since kids have taken over GTA Online already,” joked one commenter, their sarcasm almost tangible through my computer screen. Such witty banter continues, like this bitter pearler from another fan, “I just talked to my buddy at Rockstar and he said everyone is too busy counting money to make a game right now. They'll start GTA VI when they get a cash counting machine that can keep up.”
Thank goodness they all posted before reading the insider gossip that GTA VI will likely be delayed, as if it hasn’t been massively delayed before now. At this stage, nobody really minds if it’s delayed, so long as we’re informed about it rather than being left to swing in the wind like forgotten socks. I think I speak for everyone when I say I look forward to the day when the game is out, and we can complain about issues we’ve actually seen, experienced, and heard, instead of relying on gossip.
Topics: Grand Theft Auto, GTA 6, GTA 5, GTA Online, Rockstar Games, Take-Two, Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Steam