It’s been almost a full month since Hogwarts Legacy’s release, and after having some time to settle into the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, some fans have got a new complaint - the game doesn’t really make you feel like an actual student.
Hogwarts Legacy has been shrouded in controversy from day one due to its connection to J.K. Rowling, who has been criticised for making harmful remarks about the trans community - many opted to boycott the title in order to avoid financially supporting her. Even so, the title quickly became the most successful Harry Potter game of all time, and one of the reasons that fans were so eager to get stuck into it in the first place was to fulfil that childhood dream of enrolling in the fictional school, attending magical classes and living in the wizarding world. In many ways, the RPG has pulled this off, but over on Reddit, some believe more could have been done to make student life feel more realistic.
Take a look at Hogwarts Legacy’s best mod yet, which adds PS1 Hagrid to the game.
“I don't feel like a Hogwarts student at all,” Dreadpirateflappy wrote. “I can go where I like when I like[,] even professors bedrooms, there is no curfew, no punishment for using Unforgivable Curses in the school. No interactive lessons, students don't even react to me, I have no real school friends and the common rooms are just pointless and there is nothing to do in them.
“I feel more like a professor or visitor to the school,” they continued. “I do enjoy the game, but after playing games like Bully (or even Skool Daze for fellow older gamers) where I truly felt like a student, this is a massive of a letdown in that area [in my opinion].”
Others are on the same page: “I agree, I don’t necessarily want it to be full school sim but more depth in the learning and actions you take in school would make it [feel] far more [like] ‘I’m a a student at Hogwarts’. Additionally, the lack of consequences from decisions, Quidditch, house points and a common room that has purpose are also a few other issues that break the immersion,” agreed Neo_Anubis. “I agree and wish it was more of a school sim with friends and story/missions actually taking place in Hogwarts,” added GKOS00.
Unfortunately for those waiting for Hogwarts Legacy’s release on previous-gen consoles, the Xbox One and PS4 versions have been delayed even further. They’ll now release on 5 May, while the Nintendo Switch version will arrive on 25 July.
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Warner Bros