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Hogwarts Legacy: learning Avada Kedavra has some serious consequences

Hogwarts Legacy: learning Avada Kedavra has some serious consequences

Hogwarts Legacy doesn't make it easy for players to learn the Avada Kedavra killing curse.

Fans can finally uncover Hogwarts Legacy’s secrets. If you’re a PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S or PC owner who’s pre-ordered the deluxe edition, you’ll gain access to the game today. Standard edition folk will then join in the fun on Friday. One thing many players have in common is that they want to be an evil wizard.

Why am I not surprised? You’ve likely seen a good handful of people on your social media timeline joking about how they’re going to give Voldemort a run for his money, using Avada Kedavra left, right, and centre. While the game won’t punish you for using Unforgivable Curses, characters in the game will respond to you differently. In fact, learning Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy has very serious consequences - as learning a killing spell should.

Excited to dive in? Tour Hogsmeade below.

Typically using Avada Kedavra, Imperius or Cruciatus would land any wizard or witch in Azkaban but as reported by VGC, that’s not the case here. That doesn’t mean using Avada Kedavra is a risk-free task. In order to use the spell, you’ll have to learn it and in order to learn it, you’ll have to place yourself in some pretty serious peril.

To learn the curse, you’ll need to complete a number of quests in Sebastian’s quest line including the all-important ‘The Shadow of the Relic.’ This requires you to be at least level 28, so you may find yourself completing this one after the main story is wrapped up. The quest entails visiting a cave of Inferi, just as Harry and Dumbledore do in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

If you’ve seen that film, you’ll know that fighting Inferi is no joke so no, you cannot Avada Kedavra the sweets trolley lady on the Hogwarts Express two minutes into the game.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Warner Bros