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Hogwarts Legacy fans agree 'nightmarish' spiders are horrifying to fight

Hogwarts Legacy fans agree 'nightmarish' spiders are horrifying to fight

"I had nightmares and I'm not even arachnophobic."

Hogwarts Legacy players fear no Dark Wizards, but those spiders, they scare them.

Hogwarts Legacy is one of the highest reviewed games of the year amidst the controversies of transphobia and antisemitism that have besieged the game. A positive is that the protests have allowed a huge amount to be raised for charities like Mermaids and for LGBTQ+ developers.

Players have been having a whale of a time with the game too, with praise for the charming open world, powerful magic combat and mind-melting side quests. Indeed, once spells have been mastered, students might feel like they're walking on air, but the giant spiders are there to swiftly knock them down a peg or five.

As a palate cleanser, check out Shrek broomstick in Hogwarts Legacy here:

Over on the RPG's subreddit, players are sharing their stories of how these creatures are creeping them out. "The spiders are animated so well it makes me nauseous to fight them sometimes," said Riplet825. "I had nightmares after that one and I'm not even arachnophobic. Can't imagine what people who are afraid of spiders went through," wailed one about an acromantula encounter.

It's a testament to all parts of the team - art, animation, sound, combat and level design - that these enemies are filling the players with fear even if they aren't prone to those sorts of scares.

"The smaller cave holes where you have to crouch to get to the next room while spiders are crawling above just inches above you? Or the first giant spider boss we had to face where it was crawling all over the place as a tease," complained another. "Yeah the devs knew what what they were f*cking doing holy sh*t. That sh*t still give me the creeps."

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, DreamWorks Pictures

Topics: Harry Potter, Hogwarts Legacy, Warner Bros