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GTA 6 release date has fans prepping 'mass global sickness'
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GTA 6 release date has fans prepping 'mass global sickness'

Are you going to pull a 'sicky'?

When you were desperate for a day off school were you a ‘feel sick’ kid? Or a ‘but mum, I have a headache’ kid? It’s time to choose as GTAVI fans are planning a mass sickness if the game releases on a weekday.

In a recent Reddit thread fans of GTAVI were wondering how many people would call in sick at work or school in order to play the highly-anticipated new game in the GTA series.

GTAVI is going to be a monumental moment across gaming when the juggernaut title finally launches

The top reply says it all, “Mass “sickness” on a random Tuesday around the world would be lit.” It wouldn’t be a surprise if thousands of fans suddenly called in sick and spent all day glued to their TV and PlayStation.

For a game of this magnitude, one that we’ve waited over a decade to see released, it’s going to be so tempting to suddenly get a nasty head cold or a bout of sickness that’ll keep you out of the office.

Reading through the replies to the question, it seems many plan to take the week off. Whether that’s via an allowed holiday or a quick call every day to say they’re puking their guts up, it’s hard to say.

This comment had me laughing this morning as I scanned through the replies, as one member said “The economy will take more of a hit than the day of the Eclipse.” And, of course, there was the obvious reply of “Pandemic 2.0.”

Let’s hope that the game can be preloaded before the day of release otherwise there will be a lot of “sick” people staring at daytime TV shows while they download the 100+ gigabytes of data to start playing.

So, do you plan on pulling a few sick days? Or are you a responsible gamer and plan to book some holiday time to visit San Andreas?

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: GTA, GTA 6, GTA Online, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games