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Valheim meets Assassin's Creed Black Flag in your next favourite RPG

Valheim meets Assassin's Creed Black Flag in your next favourite RPG

If you're a fan of Valheim or open world Assassin's Creed games, check out this awesome upcoming Steam game

A delightful sandbox survival game is coming to Steam next year, and it’s one you should put on your wishlist as soon as possible.

Sandbox and survival is a popular genre in the gaming world, just look at Minecraft celebrating its 15th anniversary and still as popular as the day it was released, now with a live-action film on the way too.

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Then there are the more cosy games like Stardew Valley, but for those looking for a real challenge of their survival skills, there are plenty of games out there that you’ll love.

If you’re a fan of Valheim, the upcoming Steam title Project Frontier will definitely capture your attention.

The game’s official Steam description reads: “Project Frontier is a team-based action sandbox adventure RPG. Each session, you work together with your friends to explore, strategize, and survive in a fierce world. And, it's moddable like no other game before it: customise not only your experience, but other people's adventures as well.”

Its release is all the way in 2025, though an exact date hasn’t been given as of yet because it’s still in early access.

Speaking of early-access, those interested can currently give the game a go for free right now thanks to an active playtest.

All you need to do to join the fun is log onto the game’s Steam page and mark your interest in participating, and then you should hopefully get an invite to try it for yourself.

You’ll build and secure your own fortresses, hunt down other players and defend yourselves from incoming assaults, in a pure silly-fun survival experience.

Project Frontier is definitely worth adding to your Steam wishlist, and giving the playtest a go if you haven’t already, after all it’s free.

The full game will release sometime in 2025, though keeping it on your wishlist should keep you up to date on a specific launch time as it creeps closer.

Featured Image Credit: OCP

Topics: Valheim, Assassins Creed, Steam, PC