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TikTok 'boat challenge' leaves four dead

TikTok 'boat challenge' leaves four dead

Four people have reportedly lost their lives performing the TikTok 'boat challenge'.

It seems to be increasingly common to hear of social media challenges that result in people getting seriously injured or worse.

In this day and age where some live for the Likes, Retweets and social media clout in a desperate act to build a brand or entertain viewers, the trend of social media challenges is on the rise and is seemingly growing more dangerous by the day.

Back in May 2023, a boy was seriously injured and left hospitalised after deciding to take part in a challenge involving alcohol and fire. The only silver lining here is that the boy lived and we can hope that he’ll never repeat such actions again.

Sadly, the same fate was not shared by another boy that tragically lost his life in April 2023 in a challenge that involves taking highly dangerous doses of antihistamine in an attempt to trigger hallucinations.

Unfortunately, as reported by Dexerto, yet another social media challenge is taking lives and it involves jumping from a speeding boat. It’s reported that as of February this year, at least four lives have been taken from TikTok’s boat challenge.

Those taking part in the ‘challenge’ will jump from a boat at high speed. While you should always be supervised and safe, jumping into the water from a stationary position should for the most part be safe. However, jumping into the water at a high velocity can be as bad as jumping into solid ground. One victim is said to have broken their neck when partaking in the boat challenge.

“Last six months we have had four drownings that were easily avoidable. They were doing a TikTok challenge,” Captain Jim Dennis of the Childersburg Rescue Squad in Alabama told WBMA.

He continued: “It’s where you get in a boat going at a high rate of speed, you jump off the side of the boat, don’t dive, you’re jumping off feet first and you just kinda lean into the water.”

Worst still, the first reported fatality from February this year performed the challenge in front of his children while his wife recorded his death. Since that time, at least three deaths have been reported.

If you see a social media challenge that seems dangerous, it most likely is. So please, be safe and do not go to extremes for brief social media clout. It’s not worth the risk to your life or others.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok

Topics: TikTok, Real Life