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PlayStation Plus subscribers just got one of the PS1's best games

PlayStation Plus subscribers just got one of the PS1's best games

PlayStation Plus premium subscribers can now get their hands on one of the PlayStation 1's very best games, R4: Ridge Racer Type 4.

Ever since PlayStation Plus relaunched with its three-tiered system last year, premium subscribers have complained of the lack of additions to their catalogue. It’s only in recent months that Sony has begun padding out the line-up with newly added PS1 and PS2 games. The good news is though, this month, subscribers have gained access to one of the PlayStation 1’s very best games.

Let’s catch up on all the latest PlayStation Plus news first. This month, the essential tier gained Battlefield 2042, Minecraft Dungeons, and Code Vein - a line-up which left fans feeling rather underwhelmed. Over on extra, subscribers are loving day one release Tchia, which some players are calling the ‘GOTY so far’. One PS5 game is also dazzling fans with its graphics. If you are subscribed to the premium tier, you can now grab the gem that is R4: Ridge Racer Type 4.

Take a look at the trailer for the enchanting Tchia below which we rated nine out of 10 in our review.

As reported by Forbes, Namco’s R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 has now joined the premium tier catalogue and if you’ve never tried out this game, you definitely should. Released all the way back in 1998, Ridge Racer Type 4 is, unsurprisingly, a racing game. The fourth title in the Ridge Racer series, you’ll need to power slide and drift your way around a series of circuit tracks in the pursuit of victory. You can earn new cars via the Grand Prix mode, plus there’s time-attack.

It’s definitely a game worth checking out but if racing games aren’t your cup of tea, the premium tier catalogue has also gained PS2’s Ape Escape 2 - a platformer developed by Japan Studio - and the PSP’s Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, a third-person stealth-based shooter.

Tomorrow, we should find out which games will make up April’s essential tier line-up. We already know that the announcement will include day one release Meet Your Maker - a post-apocalyptic first-person building and raiding game. I’m looking forward to seeing what completes the line-up.

Featured Image Credit: Nik via Unsplash, Sony

Topics: PlayStation, Playstation Plus