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Xbox owners told they're 'throwing money away' without one key feature

Xbox owners told they're 'throwing money away' without one key feature

No one likes throwing away free money, right?

What’s better than buying a video game that we’ve waited months to get our hands on? How about a video game that never cost us a single penny?

Nowadays, perhaps more than ever, businesses like to keep the consumer engaged with their brand of content to keep them coming back for more whether it's at retail shops, or restaurants to claim all the chicken nuggets or free video game goodness.

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With that in mind, the likes of Sony and Microsoft are no exception. As such, Sony has its PlayStation Stars rewards scheme and as related to the topic of this article, Microsoft has its Microsoft Rewards.

In a nutshell, being a member of the free Microsoft Rewards, you will earn points by using the Bing web browser regardless of whether it's just searching or making online purchases. Microsoft Rewards also extends to Xbox where additional points can be earned by not only buying games and DLC from the marketplace but also completing easy Xbox Game Pass Quest campaigns as well as partaking in quick questionnaires and more.

You can join Microsoft Rewards by simply having a Microsoft account and the chances are that you might be earning points without even realising, it’s that subtle. As such, if you weren't aware of this free rewards scheme, you might be throwing money away.

“I just got my Xbox series X, what are some tips you wished you knew when you first got yours?” asked Redditor Knowfelt, to which CardboardChampion replied in detail explaining the benefits of Microsoft Rewards.

“You sign up and get points for every purchase, plus access to quizzes and activities to earn points including daily, weekly, and monthly bonuses,” they said. “There are things to do on Xbox and things to do on the web.”

“Points can be swapped for Xbox Credit or other vouchers like Tesco (although at a worse rate). Not signing up is literally throwing money away. I don't buy all that much but do the dailies and the like and usually walk away with about £50-£70 a year depending on what I cash out with.”

So there you have it, heed the wise words of CardboardChampion and don’t throw away free money. You have been warned.

Featured Image Credit: Microsoft

Topics: Xbox, Xbox Game Pass, Free Games, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Microsoft