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Steam drops 18 free games you can download and keep this weekend

Steam drops 18 free games you can download and keep this weekend

Let the weekend begin

So the weekend has arrived, and I'm sure you have plans. Maybe you're headed out to enjoy the sunshine, or catch up with friends and family?

Let's be honest though, we all know you'd rather be sat inside gaming. Which is why it's just as well Steam gamers can currently download and keep 18 free games.

Let me be very clear: these are indie games in the truest sense of the term. Not all of them are great, some of them are probably downright awful, and there's some really weird stuff in the mix.

But sift through to find something you might genuinely like, and you've got yourself a new and massively underrated banger to play all for the low price of nothing at all. I'd call that a win.

Take a look at the 18 games below!

  • Medved Hellraiser 3: Green Elephant - I really couldn't tell you what this game is about, and I'm not even sure I want to know.
  • Undead Paradise - Slay zombies, try not to die.
  • Kaetram - A pixel-art MMORPG that has a few really good reviews. Not loads of players, but that could change.
  • ScreenPlay - A digital card game where you build your own movies using various tropes and characters.
  • Cube Hero Odyssey - An adorable RPG that looks like a blend of Minecraft and Dragon Quest, but leans more into the RPG side of things than Dragon Quest Builders, which is of course also a blend of Minecraft and Dragon Quest.
  • Cosmotots - An arena shooter that looks noisy in a very bad way.
  • Super Dragon Punch Force 3 - Classic arcade-style fighting game action.
  • SuperEat Man - Weird name. Weird game.
  • Miami Hotel Simulator - Build your very own Miami hotel and pretend you're playing GTA VI.
  • Garm Ruins - A 2D metroidvania for pup lovers.
  • Pixel Puzzles - If you like jigsaw puzzles... go to a charity shop and buy one. If you can't do that, download this.
  • Ivorfall - A single-player twin-stick shooter.
  • World Of Solaria - A 2D MMORPG with, I can't lie to you, mixed reviews.
  • Soulbind - A really rather rad-looking 2D Metroidvania roguelike with heavy Dark Souls inspirations.
  • Sime Is Back - This retro 2D platformer looks really bloody lovely.
  • Dungeon Full Dive - Designed to aid your tabletop RPG adventures.
  • Nephilim Uprising - An Early Access third-person shooter.
  • Stacking Fairy - Stack till you can stack no more.
Featured Image Credit: Valve

Topics: Free Games, Steam, Valve, PC, Indie Games