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Skyrim player follows Ulfric to High Hrothgar, has a wild adventure

Skyrim player follows Ulfric to High Hrothgar, has a wild adventure

Follow Ulfric into entertaining chaos at your peril

Sure, you could play Skyrim in a predictable way, but it lacks that special something.

Why go for the easy, safe route when you can discover a thrilling adventure if only you take that one risk.

A Skyrim player has discovered this truth for themselves after deciding to follow Ulfric to High Hrothgar.

When Ulfric begins to leave the palace, your natural inclination may be to stay put. But this particular player decided to follow him instead.

What else awaits you inside of Skyrim?

“I was like 'Where is he going? Is the most hunted man in Skyrim, who surely has a massive bounty on his head, going to... walk to High Hrothgar? Alone? Without even a bodyguard?’”

Curiosity got the better of them.

“So, I followed him. And reader, it was the most fun I've had in this damn game. He fought everything [...] I honestly laughed the whole entire way. 10/10 would recommend,” they concluded.

It seems that Ulfric ain’t afraid of anyone or anything, screaming down bears while hiking the “weirdest route”. Hell, he killed Alvor in Riverwood just because he could.

The man’s a wildcard.

Now that fans are aware of this fun detour, they’re inclined to follow the OP’s lead and try it for themselves.

The “total chaos” of it all, mixed with the confirmation that Ulfric is the “sociopath” we all suspected he was, has added yet another intriguing aspect of the game to explore when we replay for the umpteenth time.

Alongside this wild adventure, players are also learning of the game’s greatest secret. Basically, there’s no reason not to play Bethesda’s beloved RPG.

We can’t help but wonder what discoveries we’ll unearth next. Surely there’s not much left to find...? Yet, whenever we think that, a new series of secrets rear their head to prove us wrong.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda Softworks

Topics: Skyrim, Bethesda, The Elder Scrolls, PlayStation, Xbox, PC