Rockstar Games has made some huge changes to its community guidelines, and Red Dead Redemption 2 players are eternally grateful.
Waiting for GTA VI is getting harder and harder, especially with the chances of a delay to 2026 looming overhead, but the good news is playing Rockstar Games’ current releases just got so much easier.
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While fans are still finding reasons to replay the story mode of GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2, a large chunk of players have stuck to the Online modes for both games.
Unfortunately, while they can be a lot of fun, especially when your friends tag along for the ride, many players have been frustrated with the content added over the years, especially with GTA Online.
Since the latest weapons and vehicles cost the big-bucks, many players look to Shark Cards, microtransactions that drop a hefty sum of in-game cash into your virtual bank account, to afford the latest armaments.
This of course makes it difficult for players unable or unwilling to spend real-life money to keep up, then falling victim to griefers while trying to enjoy the game.
Rockstar Games has now addressed the complaints and updated its community guidelines with the motto “Say sorry, be nice!”
The new conditions crack down on cheating, griefing, in-game harassment and more, so you can go about your business in GTA and Red Dead Online with slightly more peace of mind.
Fans took to Twitter to praise the announcement, saying it’s “always good to see,” and it might even be “preparations” for GTA VI’s online modes.
So whether you’re grinding for your in-game business in GTA Online, or patrolling the Wild West in Red Dead Online, you can rest somewhat easily knowing excessive behaviour by naughty players is being monitored.
Topics: Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, Xbox, PlayStation, PC