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Red Dead Redemption 2 new-gen upgrade price is being debated by fans

Red Dead Redemption 2 new-gen upgrade price is being debated by fans

Would you pay full price again?

Would you pay full price for an enhanced version of Red Dead Redemption 2?

That’s what fans are currently discussing, and it doesn’t seem like an accord will be found any time soon.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is such an iconic game, one that delights its fandom still with infinite money, and secret bunkers.

There’s also haunting new tricks we wished we’d never seen, but let’s try to ignore those...

Despite all this generous content though, would we be willing to pay full price for a new-gen upgrade?

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When Twitter user videotechuk_ asked how fans would feel about a “paid enhanced version”, the response was mixed to say the least.

“Full price as in $60-$70 again? Honestly no, I’d wait for it to go on sale,” replied user @GamemasterYado.

“I just feel like other game companies have done similar updates for free, but maybe not to the scale that RDR2 would require. So, I’d be ok with paying additional for that.”

This is a fair point: Rockstar Games has created a game that keeps on giving.

In spite of a lot of its content now being mod generated, there’s an argument to be made about whether such a legendary game update should be free.

That being said, not everyone feels like such a price is fair.

User @struckm4n explains, “They would have to sweeten the deal. Full price for just a graphical update doesn’t seem worth it to me. If they had a $10 upgrade option for people that already purchased it, that would be worth it.”

The long and short of it is that nobody is too thrilled at paying for the same game twice, especially if the only notable difference is the graphics and frame rate.

People want more bang for their buck, and we can’t fault them for that.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Red Dead Redemption, Take-Two, PlayStation, Xbox, PC