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PlayStation Plus free game is Minecraft meets Zelda, will hook you for weeks

PlayStation Plus free game is Minecraft meets Zelda, will hook you for weeks

This PlayStation Plus game is what you'd get if Minecraft and The Legend Of Zelda had a baby, and it's glorious

If you’re looking for a new game to scratch your itch for survival and crafting, this PlayStation Plus game might be just what you’re looking for.

While the latest additions to PlayStation Plus have generally failed to impress, especially compared to what Xbox users have been getting with Xbox Game Pass, there are still plenty of hidden gems to unearth if you’re willing to dig for them.

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The hidden gem we’ll be uncovering today is Dragon Quest Builders 2, an RPG that blends survival and crafting elements from Minecraft with combat and exploration from The Legend of Zelda, and it’s quite good.

Available as part of your PlayStation Plus subscription, provided you’re subscribed to the Extra or Premium tier, the game lets you choose your character before putting you at the centre of a shipwreck, marooning you on an unknown island full of resources.

You’ll start off small, getting a lay of the land, harvesting materials and items and building a few structures, but eventually, you’ll be able to construct your civilisations. Of course, it won’t be as straightforward as wandering around and picking whatever you fancy, you’ll also go head-to-head with some iconic Dragon Quest enemies and meet friends and foes who’ve also ended up stranded on the island.

As someone who’ll generally play a survival game like Minecraft for a few hours, only to never pick it up again for a few weeks, I was pleasantly surprised with how this game kept me coming back day after day. It’s quite therapeutic at times, and the story, while basic, is there to keep you progressing should you need extra motivation. Once you’ve beaten the main story, you’ll gain access to the Creative Mode, which lets you play without limited resources.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is very good fun, and if you’ve got a PlayStation Plus membership it’s well worth checking out just to try something new.

Featured Image Credit: PlayStation

Topics: PlayStation, Playstation Plus