You know the one thing missing from Skyrim? Pirates. As amazing as the game is, the lack of pirates is its greatest crime and biggest flaw. Luckily, an expansion rectifies the issue and in great style as well.
There’s a wide array of delights you can experience in Skyrim without the aid of mods, like eating every single ingredient you come across, with varying effects, However, once you’ve chomped your way through everything, shores further afield will call to you.
While pirating, take a break to enjoy these fantastic Skyrim wins and fails!
Pirates of Skyrim - The Northern Cardinal under the Black Flag might not be the catchiest title, but it tells you exactly what you’re in store for if you decide to weigh anchor and become a pirate to rival Assassin's Creed’s Edward Kenway.
You can choose to deny your pirating ways and instead sail the seas peacefully, but, honestly, where’s the fun in that? The world is your oyster with this mod, so might as well plunder and pillage to your heart’s content.
Not only will you be able to sail on the crashing waves, you can also dive under them to explore the ocean floor, should you feel brave enough. And when the working day is done, you can pay your crew in coin or rum – whatever you feel is fitting for their hard work.
Let’s just hope your crew knows how to properly lockpick their way out of a tricky situation, unlike the one Skyrim player who’s been lockpicking wrong for the last 12 years. And for those just starting out, don’t forget to use this easy trick to recreate yourself in the pixelated fantasy world of this The Elder Scrolls game.
Anyone ready to sign up as a pirate can head over to NexusMods and start their journey, though be sure to read all the installation instructions before you begin.
Topics: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda, PC, Mods, Assassins Creed