I’ll admit, I’m surprised that we’re yet to receive an announcement regarding the future of Hogwarts Legacy. Given the game’s immense commercial success, a sequel feels like a given. At the very least, you might expect an expansion to bridge the wait, but Avalanche is holding its cards very close to its chest.
Hogwarts Legacy may not be the year’s critical darling, but it’s certainly won the adoration of its players. According to Google, it’s 2023’s most searched for game. Back in May, devs announced that the game had surpassed a whopping $1 billion in sales and since then, we’ve had the Nintendo Switch launch plus Black Friday sales on the already-available versions. That number has surely skyrocketed. If you’ve exhausted all there is to do in Hogwarts Legacy - and let’s be honest, it’s open world could do with building out - you may want to check out the very cool ‘Azkaban’ mod. It goes without saying that this is one for PC players only.
Did you stumble across this cool detail in Hogwarts Legacy?
Created by NexusMods user nathdev, the Azkaban mod does exactly what you’re likely presuming it does. It introduces Azkaban as a punishment for using the game’s unforgivable curses. As it stands, if you cast Avada Kedavra, Imperius, or Cruciatus, you’ll suffer no consequences except perhaps for a few troubled stares. That’ll all change if you install the Azkaban mod though.
The description reads, “Avada Kedavra, Imperius, and Cruciatus — are known as the unforgivable curses. The use of any one of them on any sentient life is enough to earn a life sentence in Azkaban.” It adds that once you’ve cast one of the spells, local authorities will turn up to try and arrest you. I’m imagining then that there is an opportunity to escape … or add to your body count in order to escape capture.
If you are caught, you’ll be presented with the option to ‘Stay in Azkaban’, ‘Load Game’, or ‘Exit to Main Menu’. I can’t imagine staying in Azkaban for the rest of the game is that thrilling. It sounds as if the mod is giving Hogwarts Legacy a fresh take on a permadeath mode. It’s a fun challenge if you struggle sticking to the wizarding straight and narrow.
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Warner Bros, Harry Potter, PC, Mods