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Nintendo Switch gamers sat on free store credit they're not even using

Nintendo Switch gamers sat on free store credit they're not even using

Time to bag some more points

Nintendo Switch users have been sitting on free store credit for a long time without even realising it.

Each day brings a new way to feel a fool.

Upon purchasing a digital copy of a Nintendo title, you’ll receive a selection of points, points which we can later use to get money off other games.

This is hardly a secret.

But are you aware you can get points from physical copies of games as well? We had no idea.

Coming very soon to a Nintendo Switch near you is Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge

To grab all these points you’ve previously been missing out on, all you need to do is insert the game cartridge, before pressing the + button when selecting the game on your home screen.

From there, you need to scroll down to where it says ‘My Nintendo Rewards Programme’, then select ‘Earn Gold Points’.

There’s a catch to this clever trick, though – you have a limited window of opportunity to obtain said points.

You must click to get the points within the first two years of a game being released.

This isn’t an issue if you favour buying titles brand new, but for gamers who wait to purchase an older title, free store credit will still be hard to come by.

While you’re raking in all those points, don’t forget to check out the three free downloads that just dropped on the Nintendo Switch; you might as well kill two birds with one stone.

We hope you suddenly find yourself able to swim in gold coins like Scrooge McDuck, and that you continue to bag yourselves points whenever the opportunity arises.

First, rumours that The Legend of Zelda remake we’ve all been begged for could be on the way, and now extra points – we’re being spoilt this week, for sure.

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’ve got some points to collect.

Featured Image Credit: Nintendo

Topics: Nintendo Switch, Nintendo