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Fans are still in disbelief a GTA 6 trailer is coming

Fans are still in disbelief a GTA 6 trailer is coming

Fans still can't believe an official GTA 6 trailer is just days away.

The fact an official trailer for GTA VI is on the way is reportedly a tough pill to swallow for some fans, who are still surprised its actually happening.

After what can only be described as an agonising year of rumours, speculation and wishful thinking, Rockstar Games has finally acknowledged GTA VI, and promised a trailer will debut on 5 December.

Check out this stunning GTA: Vice City remaster below

How long the trailer will be and what it’ll feature remains a mystery at the moment but luckily we won’t have long to wait before our burning questions get answered.

That being said some fans simply can’t believe it, especially after all the theories regarding when Rockstar would drop and trailer and how they’d do it.

In a thread created by the Reddit user meesdeplusser, the fan stated they were still shocked and amazed a trailer was actually on the way. They asked their fellow fans,“Does it still feel surreal to you guys too? I still can not believe it actually has happened, an official trailer announcement. It has been so long and so many scenarios were made up, but now it actually happened a part of me still doesn't believe it.”

Others shared a similar feeling of disbelief, many of which compared the whole experience to that of a dream.

One said: “Feel you bro, it still feels unreal.”

Another added: “What a glorious time to be alive.”

Another unknowingly rubbed salt in the wound that it’s been 10 years of waiting for a new GTA game announcement. They said: “It’s pretty impactful for me since I’m 18. Nearly half of my life has consisted of GTA 6 leaks and speculations, and now after 10 years, for the game to actually finally come true, it feels like a dream.”

At least the months and months of waiting have finally paid off, though it’ll be bittersweet to finally see official gameplay knowing we’ll still be waiting at least a year to actually get our hands on the game.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: GTA 6, Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto