Mass Effect fans agree that Commander Shepard shouldn't return for ME5.
The fifth entry in BioWare’s beloved sci-fi RPG series was first announced during The Game Awards in 2020 with a brief teaser trailer that was enough to send its legion of fans into a frenzy. However, other than snippets of information, including that that game has entered early development in 2022, we’ve not really heard much else about ME5.
Details on its story are also very vague, though it has been confirmed that Dr. Liara T'Soni is returning. Still, as we’re now into the third year since it was announced, fans are desperate to see some gameplay, let alone what the story will be, as well as when and where it will take place.
Now, before we proceed, I will be going into spoiler territory. That being said, the spoilers do relate to Mass Effect 3 which was released in 2012. So if you’re a Mass Effect fan reading this, hopefully, you’re caught up on the game that is over a decade old. Right, let’s get into the spoilers. During the epic conclusion of Mass Effect 3, in the vast majority of endings, Commander Shepard dies. However, there is an ending that implies that he or she may have survived.
As a result, fans have been speculating about the survival of the charismatic leader and more recently, as reported by GGRecon, they have also been discussing on ResetEra whether they’d like to see Commander Shepard return in Mass Effect 5.
“Commander Shepard. Been playing the remastered trilogy and it makes me really miss Shepard. I want to see him/her back and it's very clear based off the trailer that he/she may be alive,” posted ResetEra user LastNac. “Is that kind of a character return compelling to you?”
“I really hope not. The series needs to move past Shepard. Let me craft a new experience with a new hero and get to know and care about them and their crew just as much as everyone from The Normandy,” replied RoboPlato. “No! No!!! No!!!!!!!!!” said Steve Carrell, sorry I mean Julia Crawford.
Mostly, it seems much of the thread doesn't want to see Shepard return, that’s unless the Commander is re-introduced with respect. “I don't care if they do or don't, as long as it's written well. I just want to go back to that world,” said AvianAviator.
“They will return. The teaser already made that clear. In what capacity it remains to be seen. I'm indifferent. I really don't expect anything from the new Mass Effect,” suggested SofNascimento.
At this time, Mass Effect 5 doesn't have a release date, but fans will be hoping for new information to arrive this year. Though it’s a safe assumption to make that it will be released for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.
Topics: EA, Bioware, Mass Effect