Could Spider-Man make an appearance in Amazon Prime's show Invincible? It has happened in the comics, so fans would love to see it happen on TV, but it's a complicated situation.
As Invincible once again comes to the small screen showrunner Simon Racioppa has been doing interviews to promote the latest season. In a chat with The Hollywood Handle he mentioned a possible crossover with our Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-man.
Invincible's second season looks to carry on the brilliance on the first
Racioppoa said "I’d love to have crossovers with all, with DC, with Marvel, with all these other characters. I mean… in our show you gotta have to wait and see if that’s a thing that can happen or not." This is spurred on by the fact that the two characters have met on two occasions.
Initially the two came together in Marvel Team-Up #14 in 2006, and then this was made canon over in Invincible #33. So it has happened before, why not again? Well, because the rights to Spider-Man are about as sticky as his webs. Marvel owns a portion of the rights - comics, some animated materials - and Sony owns another portion - films, TV and some animation.
Racioppa continued in the interview to say "I’d love that to happen, you know, it's very tricky nowadays, for Marvel they sometimes license their characters to other studios. So crossing over in television is way harder than it is in comic books." Crossovers are a 'never say never' for most studios because they know how hyped up fans will get, plus there's potential to monetise into new areas, but this isn't one to assume it's guaranteed. It would give Invincible a nice boost if the web-head was to swing by, not that it really needs it as the first season was a superb adaptation.
Topics: TV And Film, Spider Man