Blue Sky Studios, the computer animation studio responsible for the vast majority of Ice Age movies, have bid a heartwarming goodbye to the world it helped create - in the best possible way.
For those that might not know Blue Sky Studios was ultimately shut down due an unfortunate combination of the pandemic and Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Fox a few years back. Disney will still produce Ice Age content for Disney Plus, but the studio that made the world 20 years ago is no more.
As one final goodbye, however, some of the animators at Blue Sky got together to produce a touching farewell to the studio - and the Ice Age franchise - on their own terms.
Take a look for yourself below!
"In the final days of Blue Sky Studios, a small team of artists came together to do one final shot. This shot is a farewell, a send-off on our own terms," the team wrote.
Even if you've only seen the first couple of movies, you'll no doubt be familiar with Scrat. One of the long-running jokes in the Ice Age franchise is that Scrat, a saber-toothed squirrel, is constantly trying to chase down an acorn - and constantly failing. The poor blighter has been at it for 20 years, never quite managing to secure his prize.
With Blue Sky's farewell animation, that all changed. As you can see above, Scrat has finally managed to get his acorn - and he couldn't be happier. I don't know that Blue Sky could have ended it any other way.
Ice Age being such a big part of many childhoods obviously means that this short has led to some serious emotions from longtime fans.
“Farewell Scrat," wrote on user on Twitter. "Thanks for everything Blue Sky Studios”
“I kinda want to cry right now," added another.
A third user simply exclaimed: “20 YEARS. I'VE WAITED 20 YEARS FOR THIS.”
If there's a lesson here, I think it's that you should never give up chasing that acorn. If Scrat can get his after 20 years, you can do anything you can put your mind to.
Topics: Disney, TV And Film