As the release of Hogwarts Legacy creeps closer and closer, fans are getting increasingly more hyped up about everything this new wizarding world RPG is set to offer. From its open-world (which you can explore on a broomstick) to the various classes you can attend and characters you can befriend, it’s shaping up to be something pretty great for Harry Potter fans.
Despite the full game still not having an actual release date (its release window is ‘Holiday 2022’), it seems that some DLC and preorder bonuses have already been revealed, and via the official website itself. Reddit user u/opalelement has unearthed a whole list of extras, including different game editions, all from trawling through the website’s source code.
Take a look at the gameplay footage for Hogwarts Legacy right here.
According to their Reddit post (and verified by checking the source code - investigative journalism, baby), the things listed were: Thestral Mount, Dark Arts Cosmetic Pack, Dark Arts Battle Arena, Dark Arts Garrison Hat, 72 Hours Early Access to the Game, Kelpie Robe, Steel Case, Floating Ancient Magic Wand with Book. The labels ‘Digital Only’ and ‘Digital Deluxe Only’ are also floating around in there, but they aren’t attached to anything in particular, so it’s not known what (if anything) from that list the different editions will offer.
If you want to check this out for yourself, at the time of writing, it’s all still visible on the website - just add ‘view-source:’ right before the ‘https’ in the URL bar of the website. From there, you can Ctrl-F yourself to the supposed DLC by searching for anything listed above.
Now, there’s a chance that these could be placeholders, but assuming they’re not, there’s some pretty interesting sounding stuff here. Most of it sounds like cosmetics (well, one of the names literally says so), but it also sounds like there might be some physical bonuses - the ‘steel case’ for one, and potentially even the ‘floating ancient magic wand with book’.
Maybe the most exciting thing here though is the 72 hour early access - there’s no doubt that everyone excited for the game is going to want to get in on that. How we’ll get this early access is another matter, though. We’ll have to wait and see what’s actually announced.
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, PlayStation, Warner Bros