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'GTA Online' Player Discovers Genius Hack To Grind While AFK

'GTA Online' Player Discovers Genius Hack To Grind While AFK

One player has found an unlikely use for an old childhood toy in GTA Online (although their controller might not thank them for it).

Almost nine years on from its initial launch, GTA Online is still going strong, not only thanks to its dedicated player base, but regular updates from Rockstar. The same can’t be said for poor Red Dead Online, of course (rest in peace).

Anyway, all this time on, and people are still discovering new ways to play, or not, as the case may be. As reported by Gfinity Esports, one player has found a brilliant way of grinding in the game without exerting even an ounce of extra effort. All you’ll need is a handy toy digger truck. Wait, what?

Before we get into it, take a look at this amazing GTA V mod, which lets you play as The Boys' Homelander.

“New meta for AFKing? Well, [at least] for me it is ha. After years, finding this old toy from my childhood, gives it a new purpose. Farewell, messing around with rubber bands and hair ties,” wrote Reddit user WahedAli1, sharing an image of their DualSense controller’s right stick tilted to the left by the toy. 

For a bit of context, last year, when the Los Santos Tuners update dropped, and introduced players to the LS Car Meet, it came with a whole new 1000-level progression bar, complete with some really nice exclusive bonuses and cosmetics for anyone willing to grind out enough Reputation (RP). Since spending time in the LS Car Meet is a surefire way to earn RP, many players figured out that weighing down their controllers, or attaching rubber bands to their analog sticks so that they didn’t get kicked from the game for being AFK, was a great way of making progress without having to spend hours of real time on the game. So, WahedAli1’s method is a similar (but hilarious) take on that.

While methods like this do work, whether or not they can really be recommended is another matter. A number of users on the thread pointed out that holding a control stick in one place for so long is pretty likely to do some damage, and no one likes a drifting controller. So, grind responsibly, folks.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Grand Theft Auto, GTA Online, Rockstar Games