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Fallout fans campaign to put late YouTuber and superfan MittenSquad in Fallout 5

Fallout fans campaign to put late YouTuber and superfan MittenSquad in Fallout 5

MittenSquad fans are campaigning for Bethesda to put the late YouTuber and superfan in the upcoming Fallout 5.

This week, the Fallout community lost one of its most beloved members, Joseph Wilson - known by his YouTube subscribers as MittenSquad - aged just 27 years old.

Joseph Wilson began his YouTube career by uploading videos related to the ever-popular Minecraft over 10 years ago before making his mark on the platform with Bethesda RPGs including the likes of The Elder Scrolls and more prominently Fallout, creating content such as self-stipulated challenge runs. Over the years, Wilson uploaded well over 600 videos and garnered over 1.42 million subscribers with his most popular video, 'Can You Beat Fallout 4 With Only Legendary Weapons', generating over 9.2 million views.

Joseph Wilson’s last video upload was on 14 July 2022 before taking a long break and confirming his health status to his subscribers. Wilson had been fighting a diagnosis of pancreatitis and news of his death has rocked the Fallout community.

In a lovely tribute by fans, a petition has been created campaigning for Bethesda to honour MittenSquad in the upcoming Fallout 5, whenever that might be released. At the time of writing, the petition has 1,500 signatures and I would imagine that number will rapidly grow in the days ahead.

“Hello everyone, I’m the creator of this petition and we need to take the next step. We currently have 605 signatures and now we need to go to step two of the plan and start making respectful Twitter posts tagging Todd Howard or Bethesda,” said petition organiser Juan Nieves, updating campaigners on 20 December 2023.

“This is how we will get their attention. Make sure to link the petition in your tweet for proof. Thank you for all the support and donations towards getting the word out. I’m really touched by your generosity and love for Paul. Thanks and have a Merry Christmas!”

Even if you haven't been following Joseph Wilson’s YouTube channel or even if you’re not a fan of Bethesda, please take a few seconds to consider signing this petition. Let’s crank up those numbers!

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda, MittenSquad via Twitter

Topics: Bethesda, Fallout, Minecraft, PC, PlayStation, Real Life, The Elder Scrolls, Xbox, Youtube