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Fallout 4 fans beg Bethesda to stop breaking the game with updates

Fallout 4 fans beg Bethesda to stop breaking the game with updates

Fallout 4 received a 'next-gen' update earlier this month that broke several elements of the game

After developer Bethesda launched the next-gen update for Fallout 4 earlier this month, fans have been finding problem after problem with the game. Despite previously being excited for the update, these same fans are now absolutely desperate for the game to stop being updated.

"Hopefully, the mods don't all blow up," one fan wrote on X (formally Twitter). Another fan complained that they just wanted to see Fallout London, and that they guess they'll "give up hopes on that". Fallout London is a much-anticipated mod for Fallout 4 that would have acted as a total content overhaul for the game, taking the adventure from the Commonwealth to London. Unfortunately, due to the release of the next-gen update, the mod was pushed back to a still unknown date, and it's likely that the recent update doesn't make it any easier for the developers to release.

The update was originally announced in 2022, and was planned for launch in 2023, but was delayed just prior to the launch of Bethesda's newest title, Starfield. The update was finally launched on April 24, 2024, and in addition to porting the game to newer systems, it also made the game Steam Deck compatible. Unfortunately, this introduced several new issues, one of which was that players couldn't change the settings on the Steam Deck due to the game now skipping the game launcher.

As previously mentioned, another large issue with the constant updates to Fallout 4 is that it breaks one of the most essential mods needed to run any other mods for the game, Fallout 4 Script Extender. Every update to the base game requires a significant amount of changes to the script extender, which also causes other mods that rely on the game to just not work. Hopefully the title doesn't need many more updates then, so fans can get back to enjoying the game.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda/20th Century Fox

Topics: Fallout, Bethesda, Steam, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X