Gear up, Elder Scrolls Online players. One of the creepiest beings from Skyrim is making a comeback in the upcoming new chapter, Necrom.
Want to take a guess as to who it is? If you guessed the Daedric Prince of knowledge and memory, Hermaeus Mora, you’d be totally correct, and it’s no wonder that your mind went there first. Ominous, looming, gloopy evil eyeballs such as himself are up there with the top five Elder Scrolls entities I’d least like to encounter in a dark alley.
Take a look at some of the funniest wins and fails from Skyrim below.
As TheGamer reports, Skyrim players will probably recognise Hermaeus Mora from the Dragonborn DLC, as well as the questline where players search for the elderly scholar Septimus Signus, who - it turns out - was killed by Hermaeus Mora after being led to a Dwemer lockbox by him. Meanwhile in the DLC, players step foot into the eyeball dude’s creepy realm, Apocrypha, where they meet him again.
It sounds like Hermaeus Mora is going to have a super prominent role in this upcoming Elder Scrolls Online chapter. According to the official website: “Hermaeus Mora holds knowledge too dangerous for mortals or Daedra to comprehend. Now hidden-yet-turbulent powers threaten the Prince of Fate's realm, and if his secret is uncovered, it could unravel all of reality.”
Fans will be pleased to know that Hermaeus Mora is once again being voiced by Wes Johnson, who also voiced Oblivion's Sheogorath.
A new world event is also being added as part of the chapter, called The Bastion Nymic. The synopsis states that players must take on Daedric forces (including three hard bosses), “in order to protect the Lord of Knowledge's most-dangerous secrets”. The chapter also houses special rewards and collectibles to discover.
All in all, it sounds like there’s plenty to look forward to. The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom releases on 5 June for PC and Mac, and 20 June for PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Series X/S.
Topics: The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, Bethesda