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Cyberpunk 2077: You Have My Word is a seriously gritty murder mystery

Cyberpunk 2077: You Have My Word is a seriously gritty murder mystery

Welcome back to Night City

Fans desperate to continue living in the world of Night City... what's wrong with you?

Don't get me wrong, CD Projekt RED's open-world sci-fi RPG is genuinely brilliant these days, but it's not like Cyberpunk 2077 should be taken as a tourism ad for Night City.

Take a look at the next chapter of Cyberpunk 2077 below!

While Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty - a huge expansion that completely overhauls the base game and adds a ton of new content - is right around the corner, anyone who really wants to continue immersing themselves in Night City can do so thanks to Cyberpunk 2077: You Have My Word.

For those not in the know, You Have My Word is a four-part comic miniseries that takes place in the world of the video game. It's as grim as you'd expect too, and centres around class struggles and a grisly murder.

Here's the official synopsis: "A new urban development proposal is being pushed through city council - a flagrant infraction on those safeguarded by the Valentinos gang.

"They enlist the service of three cyberpunks to discreetly and strategically terminate the project, but their subject is more than an ordinary target. With the death of her daughter embroiled in a network of dangerous cyberpunks and a suspicious connection to a major corporation, Teresa returns to a life she had left behind - but Night City's grown larger and darker - to get some answers, she'll need an upgrade.

"But still there's more questions than answers surrounding Oriona's murder. Who pulled the trigger? A Militech mole, her cyberpunk friends, or could it be linked to a long-sought enemy of the Valentinos? Teresa doesn't know who she can trust, and intel isn't all she gained from Kyle."

If you're after more Cyberpunk action this is one story I can definitely recommend. It's short, sweet, and perfectly captures the vibe of RPG's dangerous world. Meanwhile, if you're craving a more interactive Cyberpunk 2077 adventure, there are a bunch of cool mods you can check out now.

Featured Image Credit: CD Projekt

Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red