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Cyberpunk 2077 has a hidden Fallout vault you probably missed

Cyberpunk 2077 has a hidden Fallout vault you probably missed

Two worlds collide

If there is one thing Cyberpunk 2077 is known for, it is its use of Easter eggs and especially those that hint at other titles in the RPG genre.

From iconic bikes from Akira and Ghost in the Shell to Batman’s Batmobile, Cyberpunk 2077 is no stranger to featuring nods to other media.

It is evident that the team at CD Projekt Red wanted to share its appreciation for its inspirations and whether that is a character from Blade Runner or a cameo by Hideo Kojima himself, Cyberpunk 2077 is full to the brim with Easter eggs and secrets.

That includes one dedicated to the much-loved Fallout series. Taking place in a post-nuclear America, those who survived the bomb took shelter in various vaults and many of the game’s titles begin with the inhabitants leaving the safety of those metal tombs.

One such vault can be found in the southeast area of the Badlands in Cyberpunk 2077. After looking around in the dust-torn area, you will soon come across a few dead bodies near a mock-up of a Fallout vault door.

The Vault 101 in question is a bit different from those found in the Bethesda titles as this one seems to be made out of cardboard and plastic. If anything, it looks as though the dead bodies had been reenacting a Fallout scene before they were taken out by Badland ravagers.

In related news, eagle-eyed fans recently spotted a cameo from Idris Elba himself before the events of Phantom Liberty which he takes a starring role in.

This just makes you wonder what else there is to discover in the world of Cyberpunk 2077 despite the game hurtling towards its 4th anniversary.

Featured Image Credit: CD Projekt Red

Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red, Fallout, Bethesda