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AAA John Wick game is finally on the horizon

AAA John Wick game is finally on the horizon

Lionsgate's CEO has revealed that a John Wick AAA game is being discussed.

If there’s one film franchise that’s destined for AAA gaming greatness, it’s got to be John Wick. Starring everyone’s wholesome favourite Keanu Reeves, John Wick follows the antics of the titular former assassin who’s pulled back into his former profession after a bunch of evil guys kill his dog. It’s a very tragic affair.

Full of shootouts, epic chases, and boss battles a plenty, John Wick has all the necessary ingredients. You may be thinking, isn’t there already a John Wick game? Well, yes. There’s John Wick Hex but this strategy title is hardly the AAA many fans have been hoping for but alas, my friends. There’s good news as a John Wick AAA game is finally on the horizon.

Check out the teaser trailer for John Wick 4 below.

As reported by GamesRader, Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer recently revealed during an earnings call that the company are “fielding proposals” for a AAA John Wick title. For context, Lionsgate produce the John Wick films. Feltheimer explained, “I don’t want to get ahead of myself here, but we believe there is a big AAA game to be made out of John Wick.”

He added, “We have been fielding proposals. We certainly are interested in moving that forward, but I don’t want to say anything more about that at this time.” Based on this, I wouldn’t expect a reveal anytime soon but still, the conversations are happening and that’s what matters.

In other John Wick related news, we got our first look at Keanu Reeves in action in John Wick 4 earlier this year. The film is scheduled to release on 23 March, 2023 which will soon be here before we know it. It’s also been revealed that Laurence Fishburne is returning as The Bowery King who teased the film would go “deeper in terms of the code of the assassin.” Intriguing.

Featured Image Credit: Lionsgate

Topics: TV And Film