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Zelda: The Sealed Palace is an incredible new Ocarina Of Time sequel

Zelda: The Sealed Palace is an incredible new Ocarina Of Time sequel

A group of The Legend of Zelda fans have created an incredible sequel to Ocarina of Time titled The Sealed Palace.

It’s been a long one, but the wait is almost over. Now that it’s April, we can officially say that we’re one month away from the release of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

In the words of Lizzo, it’s about damn time. Breath of the Wild released a whopping six years ago and is easily the greatest Nintendo Switch game of all-time. Saying that, Tears of the Kingdom could nab the title if last week’s Nintendo Direct gameplay showcase is anything to go by. That ‘fuse’ gameplay? I’m very, very excited about it. The game is set to be a darker sequel and to say that fans are eager to get their hands on it would be an understatement. In fact, some have even taken to creating their own Zelda games in the meantime.

Take a look at The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom in action below.

As reported by GamesRadar, one group of fans have created a sequel to Ocarina of Time titled The Sealed Palace and honestly, it is stunning. We’re not talking about a concept here either. This is a full-fledged game, albeit unofficial of course. The creators are modders Junnosuke9, Shoopey, and Col0Korn. Essentially, the romhack mods Ocarina of Time but the end result is totally unrecognisable.

If you want to download the mod, you’ll need a copy of Ocarina of Time. The Sealed Palace offers up all-new dungeons, new cutscenes, and a brand new world to explore. It’ll take you around 20 hours to work through which is the perfect length considering we have just six weeks to go until the release of Tears of the Kingdom. Take a look at the game in action below.

GamesRadar notes that the first dungeon sees you sneak out of the prison beneath Hyrule Castle. They even teased that some environments are more impressive than those in the original game. In case you missed it, another Zelda fan recreated Ocarina of Time’s Bottom of the Well - and somehow managed to make it 1,000 times more horrifying.

Featured Image Credit: Games Korner via YouTube, Nintendo

Topics: The Legend Of Zelda, Mods, Nintendo

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