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Star Wars: The Acolyte takes inspiration from Knights of the Old Republic, teases showrunner

Star Wars: The Acolyte takes inspiration from Knights of the Old Republic, teases showrunner

Star Wars: The Acolyte could feature some Old Republic references

The upcoming Disney+ series Star Wars: The Acolyte will reportedly take some inspiration from Knights Of The Old Republic.

If you’re a hardcore Star Wars fan, you’ll undoubtedly know of the Knights Of The Old Republic games, the first of which is reportedly still being remade for new-gen consoles.

Check out the teaser trailer for Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic remake below.

Despite being simple Baldur’s Gate 3-style RPGs but set in the Star Wars universe, they added page after page after page of lore that’s loved by fans to this day, even though some of it isn’t strictly canon, falling under the Star Wars Legends banner.

However it seems some of that might change, as Star Wars: The Acolyte will supposedly take inspiration from the games in its story and world-building.

In an IGN interview with The Acolyte’s showrunner Leslye Headland, the possibility of old-school Sith and Jedi popping up in the series was discussed, and the answer was quite promising.

Headland said, “While we don’t get into that particular lore, there were some things in Legends that I wanted to drag out because I felt they were really interesting, not only to the storyline but to myself as a fan … I thought, well, I’d love to do that.”

Since the show is set during the High Republic era, before Episode 1- The Phantom Menace, we definitely won’t be getting any Legends characters popping up for cameos. Although that doesn’t mean we won’t hear the odd Darth Revan namedrop, or maybe even a Bastila Shan reference.

Only time will tell what the showrunners have planned for the series, and there’s always the chance of a second season fleshing out the Old Republic lore even further.

Star Wars: The Acolyte will premiere on Disney+ on 4 June next month, and will run for eight episodes in total.

Featured Image Credit: Disney Plus, Aspyr

Topics: Star Wars, Knights Of The Old Republic, TV And Film, Disney