We’ve all experienced the havoc that comes with any battle royale game. A massive amount of players all thrown into the ring and left to fight it out to the bitter end - it’s enough to bring out the most viciously competitive side of anyone.
Well, video games are fun, but you know what’s even more fun? Getting pelted repeatedly in the face with plastic projectiles, obviously. YouTuber Airsoft Alfonse clearly seems to think so anyway, as he has an entire channel dedicated to taking part in incredibly intense airsoft matches. In one of his more recent videos, he competes alongside 799 others in a brutal battle to the death (not really), and I promise that whatever level of chaos you're imagining in your head right now needs multiplying by about 10.
Behold the 800-player airsoft match in all its glory right here.
I mean, let’s just get this into perspective - 800 players. As you can see in the video, that’s a huge amount of people charging about with fake weapons. Can we also just acknowledge that the event lasted a whopping 40 hours? It looks like amazing fun, but I can’t even imagine how tired you’d be after all that.
If watching this has filled you with the desire to end some friendships and feel the wrath of several hundred non-lethal projectiles hitting your body, there’s plenty of places out there for you to try airsoft for yourself. This particular match was hosted by MilSim West at Guardian Centers, Georgia, so it’s perhaps a little far-flung for our UK readers, but rest assured that there’s some far more locations (although admittedly, they probably don’t operate on this scale).
It’s also wild how the amount of people in this physical, real-life match puts every battle royale video game to shame. Speaking of which, Call of Duty: Warzone just reduced the amount of players in its modes down from 150 to 120 - Raven Software have said that they’re going to be reviewing the gameplay and seeing if the change is positive or not.
Topics: Real Life